Qualified Electronic Signature

Qualified Electronic Signature

Acquire your legally binding qualified electronic signature, 100% online with a Unique Key (no in-person validation or use of smart card or token required). Sign your electronic documents from a cellphone, tablet, or computer via web mode. This signature holds the same legal validity as the handwritten signature on your ID card and allows you to sign any type of electronic documents. Click here to check the various profiles of Qualified Electronic Certificates we offer:

The first 8 profiles are similar to those offered by the National Electronic Signature Directorate, but in our case, cards are not required because they operate securely through security devices (HSM) within the infrastructure of our provider ESign and are accessed through a web portal (cloud signature services), which allow their use on various devices quickly, efficiently, and securely. The last two profiles are new implementations specific to eFirmas, where we offer qualified electronic signature to employees of private companies so they can sign legally binding documents valid only for the organization they work for. We also offer the Electronic Headquarters certificate, which is installed at the server level and identifies and authenticates said server as the electronic headquarters of a Public Entity or Organization.

Signature for one use:

Purchase today the new single-use qualified electronic signature (100% online) with a Unique Key quickly and securely. You can sign any type of electronic document with legal value, and it has a validity period of one month for using this signature.

Electronic Signature Packages:

Select the electronic signature package you require. Purchase 100% online with your Unique Key quickly and securely. Sign your electronic documents according to the chosen validity period and keep track of the quality of your signed documents.

We are very proud to be able to serve you!